No one smiles in Belgium, well, at least in public. I must have looked like such a dope walking around smiling at the cobble stone streets, the markets, and all the beautiful architecture. While wandering around I would occasionally lock eyes with a stranger and give them a friendly smile like :3 and they’d return the favor by looking at me like -_- I wonder what about their culture makes them go -_- when a stranger smiles at them? Maybe they could tell I was American based off my physiognomy. I have slightly bowed legs so I walk like a cowboy, that could be a dead giveaway. I can only imagine what they were thinking when they looked at me.
Why is this yankee staring at me
Gosh, why does he seem so happy—it has been raining all today
Wow, what a cutie. I’m so flustered and idk what to do with myself, maybe I’ll play the tsundere-card and it’ll make him more interested in me.
It is funnier to think that everyone in Belgium is a tsundere instead of unfriendly. When I was in Brussels I went to a café for a coffee and while sitting at the table I accidentally stuck my foot to one of those sticky mouse traps. This wouldn’t typically be something I’d be upset about, but the way I found out was when I got up to leave, I heard a deafening SQUEAKKKK and the sound of tiny bones crunching underneath my black leather boots. I had to then peel this mouse along with his sticky prison off the bottom of my foot and tell the waitress “yeah so umm there is a mouse stuck onto your mouse trap over at our table and I think it’s legs and back are broken”. I tell you this story because amidst that disgusting experience, I still looked less pissed off than the average Belgian walking down the street.