I decided to make a list of 10 songs I enjoy along with brief blurbs about what moods they are good for, situations they remind me of, or general reasons why I like them. Enjoy!
See You in Heaven – Elliot Smith
I listen to this Elliot Smith instrumental track when I am uncertain about the future. It has this sad vibe, but is juxtaposed with redemptive—nearly triumphant undertones that progressively get stronger through the duration of the track. Even without lyrics it feels like the track is saying “Yeah man, shits fucked, but you’ll rise above it and be better because of the suffering. Don’t stop, I love you, love is never ending, pursue greatness, I’ll see you in heaven.” or something like that. Idk that is at least how it makes me feel.
I want to sing this at karaoke sometime soon. I’ve been signing it a lot in my car during my commutes to work. Fun energy, a little angsty, fast and loud. It is essentially the indie zoomer version of Creep by Radiohead.
Peachleaf Drive – Lights String Like Stars
This track was on repeat during a train ride headed back to Budapest. The lyrics at time resonated with me. I had just got done meeting up with an ex I hadn’t seen in 4 years. By happenstance she was in Hungary for an internship the same time I was on vacation. She’s a German I dated when we both lived in Shanghai as students. We stayed in touch throughout the years with the occasional postcard and text. It felt fitting to see her again outside of our home countries, as if we both could only exist together while abroad. Time had changed us, not in bad ways, there was plenty to talk about. There was a flickering ember of what was once there, but after that night the reality set in that we wouldn’t be good in a relationship, despite the history and physical attraction. We both wanted very different things from life. This isn’t a story about some great lost love; it is a story about how things change. Life is absurd and thankfully, so am I.
This is my favorite Aphex Twins track, it is one of his goofiest. “Window Licker” is a reference to cat calling women from the window of a car. Some will say the song is sexist, but I think the critics just hate to see a quirked up white boy goated with the sauce busting it down sexual style succeed. (Plus it is just a silly song, don’t take it seriously! Have fun!)
I absolutely adore Sweet Trip’s album V:D:C. it’s probably my favorite album of all time. It has some of the most unique mixing which melts my brain and I have many great memories associated with it. While attending a wedding reception I drunkenly agreed to drive some new acquaintances to the airport the following day. On our hungover-fueled trek the following morning they asked me what type of music I listen to. I threw on this track and their reaction was priceless. They were both like “Whoa…never heard anything like this before”.
This is a more rare and obscure Jay Reatard track. His label limitedly released the last two tracks he recorded mere days before he passed away from a cocaine and alcohol overdose. The subsequent track on the record is titled I Am Growing (but the one I linked is my fav; it is more fleshed out, dynamic, and moody). Only 500 copies of 7″ vinyl were pressed. I’m thankful someone ripped the vinyl audio and uploaded it to YouTube. Jay was an exceptional punk rocker who died too soon. It’s a track I listen to when I am feeling existential.
Ize of the World – The Strokes
One of the most underrated Strokes songs in my opinion. It goes hard. It is a rollercoaster ride of a track which criticizes modernity.
I was first shown Eartheater by someone who I’d attribute to launching me deeper within twitter subcultures by adding me into their group chat. To this day I do not know why they added me, but I am thankful they did. Now, anytime I listen to Eartheater I think of twitter and the connections I’ve made there.
Krystle (URL Cyber Palace Mix) – Machine Girl
The artist I’ve seen live the most is Machine Girl. Last time I watched him perform I caught him at the concession stand buying a pretzel before his set. Was walking in his direction anyways, it was perfect timing to say hi. One problem. I am a spaz. Excited about the opportunity, I mindlessly punched him in the arm to get his attention—it was not a playful nudge, but a medium/hard punch. He reasonably looked slightly pissed off and confused since I (a stranger) punched him seemingly for no reason. Realizing that I had spilt my spaghetti I quickly said “Hey, good luck on your set!” as I continued to walk past him as if my social misgrace had never happened.
This track by Julia Brown reads like a love letter. It is so pretty and is drenched in sentimentalism. I made a cover of this song and never posted it anywhere. It’ll stay on my phone forever :3